New Pakistan rugs at our warehouse

New Pakistani rugs!

This morning we received a new delivery of Pakistan rugs at our warehouse. I could’t wait to see them so I went out to the warehouse to sneak a peek as soon as I heard the truck had arrived.
I expect they'll be available on our website early next week and since they are very popular they'll be sold out within a month or so!Pakistani rugs are really popular and it's not difficult to understand why. 

These rugs fit well into most homes and are a perfect match to almost any interior deco style. Not only are they extremely soft (often described to be as soft as a kitten's belly) but are found in a wide range of different colors. These rugs add an oriental touch without dominating the room too much. 

I have a feeling one of these rugs will be a candidate for a close friend of mine. She recently bought a new apartment and after renovation is complete it'll be fun to help her chose new rugs for her home. I'll keep you posted!

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