Rugvista Design Competition!

2021 Finalists - Vote and Win

Pe(rpendi)cul(i)arity by Agnese Tukāne



What’s so peculiar in seemingly boring perpendicularity besides the fact that there’s only a few letter difference between these two words? It looks very simple: two lines face each other in a right angle. But if there are a plenty of these meetings, it could become rather difficult to get out of this maze.
Kas tik savdabīgs šķietami garlaicīgajā perpendikularitātē? Divas līnijas satiekas taisnā leņķī, bet daudzās satikšanās kopā veido labirintu, kurā nav tik vienkārši atrast izeju.

About Agnese Tukāne

Agnese Tukāne is 25 year old student of textile art, representing the Art Academy of Latvia. Although being born in an inspiring seaside resort town of Jūrmala, she currently lives in Rīga, the capital city, where she graduated from the Rīga School of Art and Design as a textile designer. She would like to make small things more visible and endowed with unexpected characteristics, showing them in a different light, angle of view and colour.
Es esmu Agnese Tukāne, 25 gadus jauna tekstilmākslas studente no Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijas. Lai arī no Jūrmalas, dzīvoju Rīgā, kur pabeidzu Rīgas Dizaina un mākslas vidusskolu kā tekstila dizainere. Savos darbos es vēlos padarīt ikdienišķās lietas pamanāmākas, tās parādot citā gaismā, leņķī un tonī, tā piešķirot tām negaidītas īpašības.

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